Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chanukkah 2009

This Chanukkah was a crazy one. Justin was sick for most of it and the presents this year were out of control. Due to a snowstorm, Devin and Janelle weren't able to come but we had two new visitors this year. It was a crazy but really fun time!

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday with Uncle Mike and Cheryl. Too much food and a ton of fun!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Triangle Mommies did it's yearly trunk or treat. It was a little chilly out and no one wanted to wear their costumes. Justin ended up wearing a Halloween tshirt and Matthew ended up with his soccer shirt. Wonder what is up with my stubborn boys?

We met Melissa and her boys (and mom) and had a great time going trunk to trunk for yummy treats, then tiring ourselves out by running up and down the hill. Of course, I have no hill pictures because my camera died.

Soccer Awards

The boys really enjoyed playing soccer this year and were sad to see it end. But they did get cool medals and had a fun little picnic.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin Farm

Last weekend we went to Hillridge Pumpkin Farm with Uncle Mike, Cheryl, Grandma and Grandpa. The boys had a great time choosing their own pumpkins, doing some gemstone mining (in which Justin enjoyed throwing BACK the gems), and taking a fun hayride. The highlight of the visit of course was the train. Next year we'll know to get an unlimited train pass. Matthew really enjoyed the maze, and insisted on doing ballet poses! He's such a ham!

Monday, September 21, 2009


So today Justin and Matthew were playing with their friends across the street. Ella has this really tiny, but very cute two wheeler (with training wheels of course). Both boys wanted to ride it (even though it was pink). While riding down the hill, Justin finally figured out how to pedal the bike. Yay! Small victory. Now I hope he'll pedal when he gets on his orange Harley bike!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Safety Fair

The boys absolutely loved the safety fair! They were able to get up close and personal with fire trucks, boats, ambulances.........and of course, bouncy houses. I didn't think they would even set foot inside them, but they loved it. Couldn't get Matthew out! Justin really loved the fire fighter dressed in the fire dog suit. He kept wanting to find the dog and give him a hug! It was an awesome way to spend an afternoon. We even got to see two helicopters land!

He Shoots, He Scores!

This week Justin and Matthew did pretty well in practice. They easily made goals! Justin is improving his game. He's actually running after the ball. He came really close to the ball but didn't realize he had to kick it. I think the concept of taking the ball from someone else is odd, since we are always telling him he can't take things away from others. Sports....crazy rules! Matthew actually got out there and played some but sort of walked after the ball. At one point he was just spinning on the field.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Train Show at the Fairgrounds

So the boys, the grandparents and I went to the train show at the fairgrounds. I was really surprised at how much the boys enjoyed it. We could barely pull Justin away. Matthew of course wanted to buy everything he saw! There were amazing train sets with tons of accessories and details. This was a no joke train show!

So I was taking tons and tons of pictures, and then my camera fell. I think I killed it. Well it still works but it's a little smashed! So conductor hat pictures to come (yes we did buy some.....couldn't resist).

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sweet Tomatoes

So finally, Brian agreed to go to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner (my favorite place). The boys were really well behaved. Justin and Matthew each carried their own bowls of dessert (jello for Justin, ice cream for Matthew) to the table, without spilling anything. Matthew was just so amazed by the ice cream machine (funny). So he ate his ice cream (chocolate), kept his shirt completely clean, which is amazing in itself. Then after eating the entire big bowl I gave him, he stands in his seat, takes several bows and says, thank you, thank you. Too funny!

Soccer, Week Three

So this week Matthew didn't want to play. What a crabby guy he was. He practiced and that was it.

Justin played like a champ! Of course, most of the time he was too busy waving and smiling at us to pay attention to where the ball was. But he ended up actually running after the ball some. It was a relief that the other team was just as little as my guys!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cheesecake Bears

So we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Of course the boys immediately found the case that has the beanie bears. All through dinner Matthew kept asking for one! Well, needless to say, we caved and each of the boys got a bear (Matthew's was a reward.....yay, small victory). So on the way to the car, they were hugging on those bears. Each bear now has a name. Matthew's yellow bear is called "Abu" (he watched Aladdin last week) and Justin's leopard bear is called "Douglas." Still trying to figure out where that name came from. I took a picture of the two of them in bed with their bears which I'll post later!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

So Lazy

So I totally need to get back into this blogging thing! It's a great way to share our info with everyone!

The boys started soccer last week. Boy were they clueless but looked so cute in their soccer gear!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Circus Fun

This past Saturday we took the boys to the circus for the first time, which was great! We got free tickets to start with (thanks to Brian's office), plus a gift card for the concession stand (nice surprise), two gift bags after the show and the cutest little digital photo frame. The boys really seemed to enjoy all the different acts (the motorcycles were a big hit with the little and BIG boy). Matthew did better than expected. He was a little antsy and we had to go walking a few times but for the most part, he made it through the show (yay...small victory). I couldn't get over the price of everything though! Inflation really stinks!

New Park

We have finally found a new park for the boys! The Community Center near our house has a toddler size playground, which is awesome. The boys can do everything themselves and all I have to do is watch and take pictures. Very cool!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Snow

Today we had a great day! Justin and Matthew woke up to a yardful of snow. Justin was so excited when he saw it falling. Matthew pretty much ran down the hallway, wanting to skip breakfast, to go outside and play. It took forever to get layered. I just never realized how much work is involved in getting two kids ready to play in the snow. Plus I realized we had no snow boots, so we had to "make our own." Justin was really daring and walked right out into the snow. It took Matthew a while to warm up but eventually he got out there and played! We ended up going out twice today and both times had to literally drag the boys into the house because they wanted to stay out to play.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Beautiful Angel

We have some dress up clothes (angel wings and halo; devil horns and tail) that Justin has all of a sudden started playing with, in addition to playing dress up in my closet (mostly wearing my scarves and beach hat). So last night he tells me to put on the angel (he says, "You try on the Angel."). So I put in on and I ask, "How do I look?" (which right now is one of his favorite phrases). He responds, "You look beautiful angel." These are the times that just make your heart melt.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fire Truck Crazy

So this past week the boys went to the fire station (again). We have a volunteer fire station around the corner. I feel like I either need to apologize to the firemen or bake them something because I have a feeling the boys will want to go there every week. I asked Justin today what he wanted to do tomorrow and he says, "See firetrucks. Ride inside." Oh boy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Matthew's New Room

Matthew has finally gotten his own room. The room has been painted and finished since the end of the summer (I think). It's been so long I can't remember anymore. The only thing that was missing was the bed (and Matthew). So finally, he's all set. Yesterday was his first nap/bedtime in his own room. I was totally expecting screaming. Nope! He seems to love it. He took a three hour nap yesterday. Last night when we said, "bedtime", Matthew walked right to his new room and got into bed. Life is good when you have your own room!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rice Cakes

So we are grocery shopping at Harris Teeter this morning. We get to the rice cake aisle and Justin goes up to the shelf and picks out his type of rice cakes (cheddar only). So he holds up the bag and asks, "Open?" While we are shopping, my cute little man is walking around the store, with his open bag of rice cakes just munching away. Way too cute!