Friday, July 9, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

Fourth of July weekend was crazy busy! First off, we went to Apex to their downtown fourth of July celebration. They had food, games and tons of bouncy houses. I think we did just about all of them at least twice. On the way home we stopped for ice cream. Later that night, we headed to Brier Creek to catch the fireworks show. The boys were super excited. Matthew kept telling us it was his first time seeing fireworks. Justin said, "Thank you for making my day so special." Gotta love those boys!

Sunday we took a ride on a steam train out at New Hope Valley Railways (totally in the middle of nowhere). We took a 45 minute train ride, got to see a steam engine up close and some model trains. Later that day, we had a cookout with some friends! What a great end to a holiday weekend.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mother's Day at PF Changs

Dinner out with the family for Mother's Day!

Mother's Day

My wonderful boys (with Daddy's help) gave me a new camera! I had been complaining about our old one forever (I've dropped it several times). So here's our first picture with  my new camera.

Insane Lego Show

Lego Show in Raleigh! Amazing! Crazy! I can't believe it! What's not to say? Anything you can think of was bascially recreated with legos. The displays were amazing. Of course, the boys were only really interesting in the moving lego trains. They didn't get very far but here are a few of my favorites.

Digging in the Dirt

We went for a fun playdate, out digging in the dirt with Andrew and Connor. We learned about plants and trees, planted seeds and had fun on the playground. Several days after the fact, I found a tick on Matthew's ear. Needless to say I freaked out. But he's totally fine!

Happy Fourth Birthday

My babies are four!! I can't believe it. Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday they were sleeping in hosital incubators. Each year that goes by seems to go too fast. I want them to stay babies for a little longer!

This year we did a Backyardigans theme. I did cupcakes (instead of an insane cake like the last two years) and we had tons of family and friends help us celebrate. The boys received way too many toys but really had a blast!

Circus Fun

We took the boys to the circus just like last year. But this year there was an added bonus. The animals were on display outside the RBC Center. We were able to visit with the tigers, elephants (my personal favorites) and zebras. The boys had a blast and really enjoyed the show.

Snow Days!

This year we were blessed with a decent amount of snow. Enough snow to sled and play in. We luckily have wonderful neighbors who allowed us to sled to our hearts content in their backyard. Didn't think the boys would really take to it since they are not the adventurous types. But once they started sledding, they didn't want to stop. It was really hard to get them inside to warm up. If they had it their way, they would have stayed outside all day.

Chanukkah at Uncle Mike's (January 2010)

Since Devin and Janelle got snowed in during our Chanukkah weekend, we had another (yes so fun) weekend to open presents, be with family, and see Devin and Janelle. Boys had a blast opening gifts (I think they pretty much wanted to open everyone's presents). Plus it's always fun heading out of town. I love Richmond (visiting, not living...too city).


I'm all set to finally get back working on the blog! I am sitting at my computer, trying to decide which fantastic event I need to update, to catch up to the present. And what happens??? My pictures don't work!! Ahhh! I finally get motivated but, no pictures linked to my wonderful laptop. So frustrated. So, going to work on the layouts and make it all pretty. Then I'll hopefully deal with the picture problem tomorrow. Sigh.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Such a Bad Mommy...

I'm a terrible mommy! LOL! I definitely need to get better about updating the blog. So for the remainder of the week, that's my job. One new update per day to get caught up to speed. Sad that the last interesting thing I posted was December 2009! Lots of fun stuff (and great pictures) since then. Guess I have a lot of work to do!